
time flies when you're having.... fun?

Well, it's been kind of a gong show over here in thunderpeep-land. Some good, some bad, all of just nuts. There are many times in my day to day where I wish I could just go back to kindergarten, when all I had to worry about was.... sandbox or paint station, sandbox or paint station???!!!
The One of a Kind show was a huge blur. After all that prep, it went by unbelievably fast. Poof. Done. Over. Now what?
It was the most unreal 5 days. Long days, but luckily I was surrounded by some super fun and super inspiring ladies who kept the long, long days filled with giggles and chats and bathroom breaks. I'm going to feature each one of them in posts soon (no really I promise;)
What did I learn over those 5 crazy days? I learned one thing I already suspected. I am beyond awkward in most social settings, but trying to be a salesperson in the midst of that awkwardness is 10 times more difficult. I had a really hard time finding my groove in terms of potential customers. And you have to get out of your comfort zone in a place like the One of a Kind show, where shoppers are under constant push and pull from all of the amazing talent at each booth. I found, like most shows, I get a lot of people spying one of the more popular cards and bursting out in giggles, and these are the customers that are the easiest to approach. So I made sure those cards were the first things people saw when passing my booth. Find your "in" and work it.
I also learned that less is more. Yes, it's no secret I'm a fan of white space and minimalist design, but when it comes to my lines I need to learn to scale it back and maybe focus more on some collections instead of a ton of single cards. In the words of the wise Pam of LureArts "it's time to up your game". So I've been taking the past few weeks since the show to absorb everything I learned and to just relax and focus on the creative side of the business (hence the radio silence) and really clean up thunderpeep. It's been hard to keep the balance in the lead up to the show and I think I got lost in all the chaos. It's been hard to climb out of that.

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