
Who turned the lights out?

Hopefully you did. Or are going to. Tonight's the yearly lights out for the Planet movement known as Earth Hour.

Started in Sydney, Australia in 2007, the grassroots movement has become a planet-wide event with more than 172 countries worldwide engaged in promoting environment concerns with lights out events. But Earth Hour is more than a one hour event, it is a movement that has achieved massive environmental impact, including legislation changes. It's a wee reminder to be mindful of your impact on this planet we all call home, not just for the one hour, but for every hour of every day.

This year Earth Hour falls on a friends 30th birthday celebration, so while I don't want to hijack the party, I'll be hoping that the shenanigans will come under candlelight for at least the one hour. But one thing I can do is set my own Earth Hour agenda and spend my day off the grid. Enjoy the forecasted sunshine and cool temperature. And catch up on some reading!

What are you plans for Earth Hour?


Let's talk about Trolls, some more.

It's been awhile. Well, it's been awhile for a few things, but we're focusing on the Trolls for today ;)

But Midsummer 2016 is quickly approaching. And they are getting quite excited. Well, as excitable as a Troll can get. I mean Skoggs is always down for a party, but Berg and Siku. Not so much!

And since the Trolls will be making a much bigger appearance in this years collection I thought I'd put out some sneak peeks to help get everyone excited and on board with the Trolls. These are not your lurky, creepy internet trolls. Real life Trolls would really appreciate it if maybe you could come up with a different term for people who lurk online, or better yet if you lurkers would just go away.

I'll be releasing a handful of little mini books, that will all come together to make up a full printed book, to be released in June. And we're going to start things off with one very big Troll misconception....

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