now that's not as ominous as it sounds.
Let me explain.
When I first started thunderpeep, it wasn't as stationery focused as it is today. To be honest I never really thought it was going to be a greeting card company {and to note I still don't think it is} but that's definitely the side that exploded first. And I'm so grateful for that.
But my first love was always surface design. Honestly I wanted my shit on EVERYTHING. You've seen enough posts about the amazing
Marimekko to know what I'm talking about {side bar love for the Unikko celebrating it's 50th anniversary!)
right. Imagine a bus with Trolls all over it. Goals people. you have to have Goals!
But seriously… this brings me to something I've been working on for awhile now. If you follow me on instagram you've seen some sneak peeks. Or the words Pickled and Herring.
My good friend Quilter Steff and thunderpeep have been working on a pretty fun collaboration for you. We're combining thunderpeep designs with Quilter Steff patterns. WHat? that sounds crazy.
PickledHerring is the name and patterns are our game. Steff is an amazing quilter and sewer and she's taken some of my most popular designs and made them into quilts. And these aren't your Granny's quilts. No way, these are super fun and modern quilts. Well… let me clarify this. They are quilt patterns. YOU have to do the heavy lifting of sewing the dang thing together, following our pretty pretty instructions.
That's not all. All those hillarious cards you love to laugh over. Well you're going to be able to make them into little embroidery pieces for your home. I know some of you like to frame them, but why not get a little crafty with it. If I can learn to embroider… so can you!
We're launching the whole thing on June 7th at the Toronto Etsy Street Teams Spring Market {click
here for those deets if you're in the Toronto area come for a visit} and right after the etsy shop so all you out of towners can start crafting and a blog as well, with bonus tips, tricks and downloads {those are all FREE for our devoted followers and of coarse you non-followers!} I'll blog more about it as all the little pieces continue to come together.

For those of you who've been around from the beginning, you'll remember that for the 2012 Midsummer collection I also launched some fabric lines. I've always loved fabric patterns, but as a non-sewer I never really understood it. Well, let me tell you. I've now been educated in all things fabric related and am so ExCiTeD for all the fabric goodness coming your way. Yes, that's right both the Midsummer and Polar Nights collections will have fabric collections this year {and real honest to goodness collections that will knock your sewn panties off!}
Ok, that last bit got a bit weird. There may have been some Palm Breeze before this post. And I'm excited for all this goodness.
Check back in later this week - plans are coming together for the Midsummer launch later in June.