
What's all the Buzz about

So, I'm a bit behind on posting this one, but not so behind that you are missing out on it. If you follow me on Instagram/twitter you may have seen me posting about the Bees {& the Birds} show that had it's opening last Thursday. Well.... that show is still going on until this Sunday (May 29) so if you're in Toronto go check it out. (Graven Feathers hours for this weekend: Friday and Saturday from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. / Sunday from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.)

A group of 38 artists coming together to use their art to help the bees.

Each of the artists participating in the show want to make a difference and help the bees. The works are bee inspired pieces that explore the role of this alchemist insect in our world. 

These artists felt their work could play a big role in raising awareness and money - offering solutions for individuals - for our community - and for our world.

That's why 10% of all show proceeds - including sales - will go to the David Suzuki Foundation's efforts to save the bees.

I was super excited and kinda nervous about the show. I committed early, then almost got cold feet. I've done plenty of craft shows, but never a gallery show. Luckily being amongst such talented folks, and my good friend (oh yeah, and the curator/organizer of the show) encouraging me and having faith in me, helped get over that insecure moment and I got my piece finished and up on that wall for opening night. It wasn't the piece I originally set out to create something entirely different, but that ended up becoming a bit of a beast and took on a completely other life (ie: something really fun for the Midsummer collection) and what came to be was the lovely Bee Keeper.
You guys know me pretty well by now, so you'll know I'm pretty much down with any kind of environmental cause. But... I'm also totally afraid of bees. Even the big fluffy bumble bees. Actually I'm kind of a wimp about anything buzzes and flies. Tenfold if it'll sting me. You haven't seen anything until you've witness my bee dance. But you know, I can get over myself to remember that these little dudes, and all pollinators, are very important to the planet and to all of us who want to continue living here. Anything that helps to bring awareness, spread the word and raise a bit of money for, I'm up for it. And since this lady got so much positive feedback I'll be doing up some smaller prints to bring with me to the TEST Midsummer Market next month. And of coarse for you non-local friends, they'll be up for sale in the shop soon!

I had a great time at the opening night, got to catch up with some old friends I haven't seen in awhile, browse through the other gorgeous pieces, make some new artist friends and honestly just be surround by good vibes. Hopefully you get a chance to make it down to see the show, or maybe you already have - if so let me know what you thought.

Happy Summer little peeps! 
{I forgot to mention that it's already officially too hot for me here in Toronto ;}

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