
Thanks for Great Night!

For anyone who came out to last nights party....
We had some serious fun, hung out with some other fab businesses on Danforth East
(including one of our favourite restaurants The Borough) and discover
a great new band in The Rattlesnake Choir

halfway through the setup //  swag from our high five lovin' neighbours Indie88 //  and a sweet colouring station!

The weather was fantastic, the people came out and enjoyed the music and I got to meet and swap 
adventure stories with some pretty interesting folks!

first book sale to my talented friend Michelle of Kempton Jones and Dexter // scrumptious smores //  some new branding!

The book is finally up for sale in the Etsy shop now, along with a really cool colouring booklet that features some of the illustrations from the book, combined in one extra long spread - just waiting for you to colour in!

HUGE thanks to Christal at LEN for letting me take over the booth and launch my book in the park, 
with a built in party!

More about the book this weekend, including a sweet giveaway in celebration!


and we're ready to launch!

So, this week two pretty freaking exciting things happened. And it's only Tuesday. WHAT!
I thought it was quite appropriate that my OMAM vinyl came the day before my books. An album named Beneath The Skin, it was a nice setup for such a personal journey. (and if you haven't checked out the new album you should - SO GREAT)

I couldn't open the books when they came in, I had to get someone else to crack the first one and flip through it (as I peeped over their shoulder of coarse!) But man, I have to say it's looks so much more amazing than I ever dreamed. But it's not over yet. As I type this I have a giant To-Do list hovering just beyond my screen, for tomorrow's Launch party.

So, here's the deal. The Danforth Mosaic is putting on concerts every Wednesday evening in July and Christal from our friendly neighbourhood LEN shop has invited me to take over their tent for the evening, with all my Midsummer goodness. It's a launch party, with live music, local eats and drinks, s'mores (what?) and good times. If you're anywhere near East Lynn park tomorrow evening you should come down and hang out with us. You can get the first look at the book and pick up some fun companion goodies - there are prints pulled from the imagery in the book, a colouring book - and even a colouring area, tons of fun buttons and did I mention s'mores!

If you're not in the Toronto area don't be sad. I'll blog all about it this weekend, once I've recovered. And tomorrow there will be a whole write up about the book and a GIVEAWAY! Yes!

Anything exciting happening for you this week?
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